Today while I was napping with Kaden, Colter used the scrabble letters to spell "rat" (although he ordered it t-a-r). So, I substituted a few letters to show him he could also read "sat, bat, hat, mat . . ." Bob books must come out tomorrow for school. Yeah! So fun to watch and listen to him sounding things out. Perhaps it is the combination of schoolwork and some phonics videos to be credited. Meanwhile, Sophia is reading like a pro. She actually will read on her own --she got a confidence boost a while back and has taken off.
Inspired by another mom's homeschool blog I created a bird watching picture guide and hid eleven different stuffed animal birds around the house. Colter had to circle and then write the number by the name of the bird while Sophia had to write the complete name of the bird on her sheet. They had their binoculars and continued outside with a birdseed/trailmix snack. We even saw a big hawk perched in a tree at breakfast, so a fitting day's activity.